Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What I find aesthetically pleasing...

For as long as I can remember I have always LOOVED storms. They are something that I find extremely aesthetically pleasing. Ellen D. even mentioned them in our reading for the week and that people search out intensity and love it.  I think that storms definitely provide people with intense emotions. Sometimes they can be scary, but I find them mostly exciting and awesome to watch.
I mentioned in my first blog about how I spent my summer with my boyfriend backpacking though Nicaragua. We were in Nicaragua during part of the raining season, this meant that there were lightning storms every night!! Even if it wasn’t raining, you could always see lightning strikes happening in every direction. This was one of my favorite things about our entire trip. I saw some of the best lightning I’ve ever seen. We actually got caught in the middle of the most intense storm I’ve ever been in on a boat in the middle of Lago Nicaragua. Before the storm actually hit us I was watching the lightning in the distance out on the deck, a couple hours later we ended up right in the middle of it! Everyone that was outside had to cram into this little room on the top story of the boat we were on. From then on it was an intense storm the entire boat ride until we reached our destination the next morning.

Another thing I find aesthetically pleasing is rainbows. I am such a sucker for rainbows, I think they’re awesome. Anytime I see one I have to take a little time to stare at it and admire how beautiful they are. It's honestly a hazard if there's a rainbow while I'm driving because I just can't stop looking at them! I actually just had a dream during my nap earlier today that I saw a rainbow and was thrilled about it while everyone else in my dream was unimpressed.

I find a lot of things in nature to be very aesthetically pleasing. I can’t help to get excited about seeing awesome trees, mushrooms, flowers, rainbows, water falls, and whatever else nature has to surprise me with.


  1. Those pictures are absolutely amazing. I love them. And I completely agree about storms being an aesthetic experience. I will sometimes just go stand outside in a rainstorm, letting the ascpects of the storm consume me. I really enjoy it if I already had strong emotions. It makes me feel like everythng is washing away.

  2. I love the rain and the smell of the pavement after the rain has falling. I love how clean the air smells and how the water almost sparkles on everything that it has touched. Your pictures are great. I like lightening however i'm kind of terrified by thunder but i still find it interesting.
